Cataract Treatment
Paid services / services under National Health Fund [NFZ] coverage
As part of the Day Surgery Department, cataract surgery is performed in addition to the surgical treatment of strabismus and nystagmus. A professional medical and nursing team provides care for the patients. The Department’s operating theatre is equipped with state-of-the-art phacoemulsification equipment for cataract surgery, allowing the application of advanced surgical techniques. This has also reduced the length of the patient’s stay at the Hospital. Before the patient undergoes the procedure, they undergo an eye condition diagnosis during the qualifying visit. Based on this, an appropriate intraocular lens for implantation is selected. The procedure is painless and takes about 15 minutes.
Contact details
- Medical On-call: 12 385 57 30
- Nurse On-call: 12 385 57 37
- Medical Secretariat: 12 385 57 34, 510 299 942
Department Head
Medical and nursing team
- Michał Orski, MD, PhD
- Magdalena Lula, MD, PhD
- Wojciech Myga, MD, PhD
- Katarzyna Sajak– Szydzik
Departmental Nurse
- Marta Borońska